Friday 22 September 2017

Solar Attic Fans - Is it a Good Choice for Your Home

We all know that our energy consumption has a huge impact on the environment. We all also know that we ought to be doing whatever we can to reduce green house gases. But it sometimes takes a little bit of effort and this effort can be a tad inconvenient. Yes?

The question is, are solarenergy roof fan worth the cost? Are they worth the price of shipping and installation cost? It depends on you and your motivation to "save the planet". Perhaps you will feel less guilty knowing you are "doing your part" to be a conscientiously environmental person. Will that make you feel better?

Well, if your house is very hot during the summer, especially in the upper bedroom floors, it is almost assured that the reason for the extra hotness is directly related to poor attic or roof ventilation, or roof or attic insulation. A solar attic/roof fan can easily stop this from happening.

If you are not interested in taking the time, cost, or effort to have an solar attic fan installed to your home, that may be a good decision because other alternative are available such as baffled ridge vent roof ventilation. If you are interested, here are some excellent pointers to help you get on the right track when deciding on a solar roof fan.

Many attic solar fans (or roof solar fans) are available like the solar energy roof exhaust fan for your kitchen. Most really do not cover the cost and are basic and at absorbing the sun's power most are quite poor.

When do you REALLY need a solar attic fan?

You only truly need a solar attic fan when the design of your roof is very high-sloped, or with not much ridge area. Why? Because the higher the pitch or slope of a roof, the more difficult is for fresh air to move up and outwards. If your roof is low-sloped, you may not need a solar attic fan.


Contact professional roof insulation, attic ventilation expert and be sure that your attic is thoroughly inspected before buying any solar attic fan.

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